LOG BOOK Experienced fly fishers keep records of their fishing trips, noting weather and water conditions, details about their catches and notes about which fly worked the best under certain situations. They use this log as a reference for future fishing trips and it's a habit you should develop. Fish Caught and Hatches: Use your mouse to click on the desired location and type in the information about your catches. Press the Tab key to move to the next text box or click on it. Time: Enter the time by typing it in. Temperature: Hold down your mouse as you select the thermometer and move the mercury to the correct place. Water: Select the level and clarity of the water by moving the scroll icons along the scroll bars. Weather: Click on a weather icon with your mouse to indicate the weather conditions for that time period. Wind Direction: Click on the compass to record the direction of the wind. Barometer: Type in the number, then click whether the pressure was rising, steady or falling. New: Creates a blank page ready for a new logbook entry. Open: Opens a previously saved log. Save: Saves the current information to the log book under a particular filename. Print: Prints the current log to your printer. Main Menu: Returns you to the Main Menu.